9 Things You Hate When Driving

It’s only common that we, passionate car enthusiasts generally enjoy driving on the public road. As a car guy this is “my therapy, my escape”. But everyday driving is a different thing. Here is what grinds my gears about the everyday experience of travelling from a to b.

Why I Hate Everyday Driving!

1. HID on high beams 24/7 without a projector housing, absolutely hate these !

The Retina Killers ! It’s annoying it dramatically increases the chance for an accident as the driver in the lid up vehicle is practically blind and it’s just common sense not to use them.
Even worse when they are 10,000k 10000k HID  because at that point literally all they do is blind people.  I just don’t think people understand what high beams are for anymore ! Sometimes when a driver behind me is on high beams and doesn't respond to the universal sign ( usually the emergency blinkers)  I slow down to let him pass and turn mine,

it hurts

It hurts just by looking at the picture! The hid lights installation is not a crime but PLEASE do it correctly !

2. The Crowds favorite- The Tailgater

Tailgaters are those drivers who turn the roads into a battlefield! They contribute to make the road situation much more dangerous. Just because of their behavior and the way they approach you, you can’t resist but respond by slowly Appling the brakes, just to show them that you are not intimidated of their behavior or you don’t care if your rear bumper will meet their front. Tailgating me won’t make another lane magically appear, nor it will make me drive 20-30 mph above the speed limit just to suite you. I’ll let you pass when I overtake and it’s safe to move into the right lane. And vice versa, if you don’t plan to overtake the car on the right, don’t stay in the left lane, again it’s common sense, also this causes traffic and increases the risk of an incident happening, simply because some people think that if they pressure you, you’ll immediately or magically free their way. The funniest thing is that tailgaters usually think they drive the best sports cars but the truth is that and old A6 diesel is a piece of c...


3. The fast guy who overtakes you just to stop a few meters ahead.

I can’t understand where in the hell is the logical explanation to overtake someone that is driving with the speed of the traffic, and then hit the brakes just in front of him to stop or to make a turn. Can’t you f drive behind for a few seconds and then make a safe stop. This is happening a lot where I live. This is especially dangerous when those over-confident ba…  overtake a semi or a bus and then decide that the vehicle behind them can react or stop as fast as their small sports cars.

4. The careless, “I can’t wait for self-driving cars”

The drivers who are constantly distracted by something be it talking on the phone or uhm applying make-up or even maybe read a book, so that they have no time to look at their rear-view and check what’s going on behind them. They wouldn’t even notice the huge queue that’s formed behind them.

5. People who don’t use car signals

Seriously, how difficult it is to indicate when you’re about to turn left/right? Stop acting as if you’re above the law, because by doing that you’re also posing a danger both to yourself and also to the other drivers around. And just save it for someone else don't tell me that your signals dont work .

6. The Driving Dead a.k.a. The slow driver

Being a responsible driver is a great thing. But behaving like a turtle on the road not at all. We just cannot get our head around the fact that some people think it’s okay to do 20mph in a 30mph zone. If there is a limit we don’t want to go slower than what’s allowed, because guess what – we do have quite a lot to do today and we are in a car because we’re determined to get faster than walking !

what crash?

7. The Need For Speed over experienced boy racer.

Trying to live the Fast and Furious lifestyle in real life makes little to no sense. Every single one of us has been through that phase. Some were more daring than others but in the end we all learned our lesson. I remember totaling my first car just 9 months after getting a license. Two cars hogging the two lanes, no problem we’ll make another one in between them. Rearview mirrors ? What for, just full throttle. Honestly when I look back, I feel lucky that I didn’t end or even worse put some else in the black statistic. This is the worst kind of driver there is, not obeying any rules just driving as fast as the car lets him. Potentially the most dangerous object on the road. If you spot them, just stay away, karma knows its ways. If you know someone who does this, approach them carefully and tell them that “bravery in life leads to better times, bravery on the road leads to death” and let that sink in. It’s all psychology.

8. The dirty diesel

Living in a big city has already turned us into passive smokers – we inhale the equivalent of a packet of cigarettes every single day. And the old or chip tuned diesel vehicles make the situation even worse; just think of all the diesel cars we have to drive behind and tolerate every single day. Even the brand new luxury rides can’t process the carcinogens that we not only breathe, but can also taste.


9. The Shameless

This is something very common for the Balkans region and generally all Slavic nations. It includes driving through RED lights, driving off the road to cheat traffic, driving on sidewalks, driving in the opposite direction and simply being arrogant as much as possible. Being an everyday driver is hard these days.

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